All activities in Sacramento unless otherwise noted.
New in Sacramento
Jennifer Chandler is facilitating a group, officially called the Sacramento Regional Mensa Under 30 group. Check for conversation and activities on the Facebook page It's a closed group so people will have to request to join.
STEM video for young womenJanuary 2025
Wednesday, January 8 – 6:30 p.m.
Friends of Food
3 hermanas 3260 J st. Sacramento. Please call or text Laure if you plan to attend so she will know the size of table to reserve and rsvp, and make sure that the event is still taking place. Please rsvp to Laure at 916-256-7328. Look for the SacraMensan on the table!
Sunday, January 12 – 6:00 p.m.Let's Play Cribbage
Food at 5:00 and games beginning at 6:00 in Sacramento. I plan to make deviled eggs and a desert. Please bring a dish to share. If you have a cribbage board, please bring that as well. Please Please RSVP: Sharrel (916) 803-6181 or
Tuesday, January 14 – 9:00 p.m.
Activities Deadline
Please send your activities for next month to our activities coordinator, Sandy Feder before the deadline.
Friday, January 17
Newsletter Deadline
Please send your activities for next month to our newsletter editor before the deadline.